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School Documents

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Articles of Incorporation

Articles of incorporation are a set of formal documents filed with a government body to legally document the creation of a corporation. Articles of incorporation generally contain pertinent information such as the organization’s name, and street address,. The articles of incorporation are used to legally form the corporation. They are required for Charter schools to be formed as non-profit entities.

Bylaws PDF
Board Policies
Board Policies can be found on the website under the governance tab.Policies Page

A charter school is an independently run public school that is granted greater flexibility in its operations than a traditional public school in exchange for greater accountability for performance. Charter schools operate under a “charter,” which is a contract between the school and its authorizing agency. The charter both authorizes the school’s existence and outlines the terms and conditions of its operations.

Charter PDF
Charter School Complaint Form
Charter schools are not allowed to discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in the charter school because the pupil exhibits any characteristics such as students with disabilities, academically low-achieving, English learners, neglected or delinquent, homeless, socially economically disadvantaged, foster youth, or based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Charter schools are not allowed to request a pupil's records before enrollment or encourage a child who is enrolled in a charter school to disenroll or transfer to another school. A parent, guardian, or pupil (18 years or older) may file a Charter School Complaint Form to the authorizing entity if they suspect the charter school is in violation of Education Code Section 47605(e)(4)(A) through (E).

Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. Local educational agencies must operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120, including the development of a program plan. 

Education Protection Account Report
The Education Protection Account (EPA) provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with general purpose state aid funding pursuant to Section 36 of Article XIII of the California Constitution. The EPA funding is a component of an LEA’s total LCFF entitlement as calculated in the Principal Apportionment.

Financial Audit
All school districts are required by the CA Department of Education to have an external audit firm review the district's financial records, internal processes and policies annually. The district's financial statements undergo an annual external audit at the close of every fiscal year.

22/23 Audit
Local Control and Accountability Plan

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for LEAs (county office of education [COE], school districts and charter schools) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.

23/24 LCAP
24/25 LCAP
24/25 LCAP Mid-Year Update
School Accountability Report Card

Since November 1988, state law has required that schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. A similar requirement is also contained in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators.
22/23 SARC
23/24 SARC

SARC Dashboard

The LEA certifies the SELPA Local Plan is the basis for the operation and administration of special education programs. The LEA will meet all applicable requirements of special education state and federal laws and regulations, and state policies and procedures. Be it further resolved, the LEA must administer the local implementation of policies, procedures, and practices in accordance with special education state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.


Salary SchedulesSalary Schedules as of 2024

Certificated Management
Certificated I
Certificated II
Classified Management
Classified I